Why value-based marketing is the next revolution in enterprise technology marketing

Focus on customer outcomes. Drastically improve your results.

Shorter sales cycles

Unparalleled competitive advantage

Trusted customer relationships

Improved sales and marketing efforts

Your benefits

With the Sappington Value-Based Methodology™, you start by understanding your customers’ desired business outcomes and the value your tech delivers. By establishing an entirely different conversation and relationship with your customers, you drive better results for you and for them.

The difference in tech marketing approaches

Sappington Value-Based Methodology™

Traditional product/solution approach

Start with your customer’s business strategies

Start with product/service/solution

Identify your customer’s key initiatives

Examine competitive landscape

Determine their specific business metrics

Lead with customer challenges, state of the world

Map your product/solution to their initiatives

Highlight top three customer benefits/capabilities

Illustrate how you’ll drive outcomes

Focus on technical capabilities

Highlight product-oriented customer success stories

Show specific customer success

Deliver an unparalleled value proposition

Drive technical/tactical next steps

This approach will improve your results. Get in touch to learn how we can put it to work for you.